Forward-Walk Progressive Tuning
The Gold Standard of Backtesting for Investment Strategies
Forward-Walk Progressive Tuning
Advanced Options Location
The Advanced Options for Strategies, which
include Forward-Walk Progressive Tuning, are located on
the Strategy Information popup window (shown to the
right) accessed by clicking the
icon next to the
Strategy's name on the Strategies Management page. Click the
Show Advanced Options button to expose them as shown in
the expanded popup window below. To revert to using only
the standard AlphaDroid options, click the Restore
Standard Options button, and click Save.
• Forward-Walk Progressive Tuning (FWPT)
This is fundamentally the most important
of the Advanced Options. Critics of backtesting
are right when they level the charge that
backtesting with hindsight may well tell you the
best path to travel — after the path is known,
but it might not have been able to find that
path walking forward in time. The operative
question is "did backtesting discover a reliable
character, or did it discover a random lucky
sequence of events?"
The gold-standard for backtesting performance of
a predictive algorithm (for markets,
environment, sports, etc) is the forward-walk
progressive tuning methodology where a first set
of data is used to tune the parameters of the
algorithm for use in making decisions during a
subsequent period of time, after which the
parameters are re-tuned using the additional
data from the prior period, and then used to
make decisions during the next subsequent period
of time. And so on. If performance is
maintained, then tuning did discover a reliable
character. To the degree performance declines,
it is because the higher performance path is
un-discoverable by the algorithm. The path may
be undiscoverable because significant events are
too unpredictable, or because the algorithm
lacks sufficient sophistication to adapt.
Chart-2 is the same as Chart-1, but additionally
has Forward-Walk Progressive Tuning (FWPT)
enabled. You can see that the BornOn Date, as
specified in the Advance Options screen above,
is December 31st 2003. Starting on that date and
extending to the end of the chart along the
horizontal axis, there is a sequence of 18
yellow markers, each representing a date on
which progressive tuning occurred. The
progressive tuning interval is set for a minimum
of 125 market days — just short of 6 months. The
algorithm re-tunes itself only at the first
available trade date after the 125 day interval
so that no extra trades are induced by the
process of retuning. Furthermore, if the
Strategy is set for Trade Automatic, then
re-tuning will respect any extended hold period
that the currently owned fund may have and
respectfully delay re-tuning until the next
allowed trading date.
Tuning Profile
History-1 downloaded spreadsheet for this
Strategy details the tuning profile for the
Strategy and the record of its progressive
tuning. This data is plotted in the charts to
the right.
The Strategy Tuning Profile has a nicely formed
single peak that is easy to find and lock onto
with a tracking algorithm. Shorter time
constants are typical among sector-based
Strategies, whereas it is not atypical for asset
class-based Strategies, such as 401k Strategies,
to have fairly long time constants. While most
stock Strategies generally peak in the
mid-range, if the stocks are generally well
behaved the time constant may be considerably
shorter, and if there is a lot of chaotic
behavior then performance may peak with longer
time constants.
It is definitely possible to create a Strategy
that does not have a strong peak, or that has
multiple peaks. A Strategy with multiple
personalities may relate to chaotic behavior of
its stocks/funds, or may relate to an evolving
character change, such as when a Strategy has
funds with longer histories that are more like
sectors and also has funds with shorter
histories that are leveraged or of a very
different asset class.
The Trend Time Constant chart shows that this
Strategy originally tuned best at about 28 days,
but then evolved and stabilized at about 19
days. While the root cause of this change for
this Strategy has not been formally determined,
it is notable by viewing Chart-1 that a few new
funds do enter the picture later in the overall
time span. One might also postulate that the
character of the market may have changed during
this time span due to the advent of electronic
trading. But, it is also notable that many
Strategies with only long term mutual funds do
tune consistently across the full time span.
BornOn Date
This specifies the initial tuning
date for the FWPT algorithm. You can specify it
as any date from 1/1/1998 through the current
date. The algorithm may slightly modify the date
to move it to an actual market date, and it may
also modify it if there is not at least 5 years
of tuning data to start with. The somewhat
arbitrary sounding choice of 5 years is intended
to ensure that training periods will likely have
a worthy set of market conditions from which to
determine operational parameters. BornOn Dates
1/1/2004 and 1/1/2010 are particularly
recommend. Each closely follows, and thus
includes a full market crash/recovery cycle in
its training data set.
Stronger Filtering
Stronger filtering makes an attempt to better
expose the trend signal by passing it through
the trend filter one additional time. The
majority of Strategies do not require this
treatment. Although an automatic check is made
during Strategy optimization when FWPT is not
selected, it is not automatically considered
with the progressive tuning process because of
the added complexity and thus is only
accommodated in FWPT manually via the option
checkbox. There is no simple rule of thumb for
applying it because it includes the complex task
of considering the similarities and differences
of the volatility and correlation
characteristics of the Strategy funds. It is
just so much quicker to click and try it than to
attempt to predict it's need. As already stated,
it is an option that only occasionally is
helpful. If you have a standard AlphaDroid
Strategy that is not tuning well under FWPT,
particularly when you set the BornOn Date to
today, that would be a good sign that you should
try this.
Bias Toward Shorter Trends
Strategies that evolve over time as additional
funds with a shorter history enter the mix may
also change their tuning profile over time as a
consequence. Consequently, some Strategies may
have two separate "time constant zones" where
performance may be similar. Experience with
dozens these kinds of Strategies indicates that
biasing the decision toward choosing the shorter
trend time constant more often results in the
algorithm being more adaptive and responsive to
market changes as the algorithm walks it forward
in time. Thus, this option is checked by
default. That said, it is possible to build
Strategies that actually evolve to prefer longer
time constants as the mix of participating
stocks/funds changes over time. For example, a
nice sector rotation strategy may originally
tune well with shorter time constants, but the
later addition of other asset classes (such as
materials, interest rate dependant REITS,
leveraged bonds) could drive the Strategy to
later prefer longer time constants — which would
be a reason to not bias toward shorter trends
and uncheck the box.